PDC Prosperity Dielectric is a company that forms part of the PSA Walsin group. Ranked number 5 in the world in the MLCC market. In-house technology, both chemical technology and production processes, key factors to maintain a standard of quality and competitiveness.

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PDC has focused on specific markets and can provide safety, high-voltage, large-sized and customised products for MLCC.

To achieve its business vision and become a major player in the specific application of ceramic products, PDC has dedicated a large amount of resources to research and development to offer high quality products that meet customer requirements PDC has invested between 8% and 10% of its sales revenue in R&D since 2000.


AS9100 certified for the aviation industry.

Series of TVS diodes according to AEC-Q101     

First certified safety resistor manufacturer

Sensing resistors for all types of products         

Automotive chip resistors, MLCC  

Mega cap, Anti-arcing, Anti-sulfuration MLCC

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