Residual Current Circuit Breakers

Residual Current Circuit Breakers

Thermal-magnetic circuit breakers whose function is to cut off the electric current if it exceeds a set value, when there is an overload or short-circuit. It consists of two measuring elements: a bimetallic sheet, which detects a possible thermal overload; and an electromagnet, which detects the fast and intense peaks of current typical of a short circuit, activating the contact and thus cutting off the current flow.

Our Residual Current Circuit Breakers providers

Iskra is a well-known manufacturer in the intelligent industrial solutions and advanced products market. It is a high-performance company with a long innovative tradition, extensive engineering knowledge and experience in the most demanding industrial projects. Always at the cutting-edge to offer integrated solutions, its priority is efficiency and safety in its offer to the market.

Its products include capacitors, low voltage components and contactors.

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Company with more than 20 years of experience that offers a wide variety of products such as circuit breakers, contactors and other Low Voltage range products. Its engineering department is an expert in 3D design technical software, offering agile developments, according to the customer’s needs. KEDU’s objective is to establish itself as a technology leader, creating a well-known global brand.

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